Course Outline "Consumer Market Analysis (B 51)"


Prof. Dr. Jerome Christia (Coastal Carolina University)

Course Objectives

Upon completing this course, you should be able to -

  • Describe why the study of consumer behavior is important
  • Discuss the elements of exchange and exchange processes associated with consumer behavior (CB)
  • Explain the traditional decision-making perspective associated with consumer behavior
  • Explain the experiential decision-making perspective associated with consumer behavior
  • Explain the behavioral influence decision-making perspective associated with CB
  • Discuss the managerial application areas of consumer behavior
  • Discuss individual processing associated with consumer behavior
  • Discuss group dynamics associated with consumer behavior
  • Discuss environmental influences that affect consumer behavior
  • Discuss ethical issues in consumer exchange relations
  • Conduct a consumer behavior audit

Course Description

In this course, we will study buyers and the exchange processes involved in acquiring, using, and disposing of products. We will review past and present research, while studying the past, present, and future of consumer buying practices. We will examine mental processes and physical activities of consumer decision-making. Attention will also be given to the environment in which consumer behavior operates and decisions are made. In addition, we will identify and analyze the effect that the latest research has on the managerial relevance for consumer behavior.

Class Mission / Teaching Methods

The mission of this class is to educate each of my students to have the qualities and attributes essential to his/her progressive and continuing development throughout careers in private, public, and non-profit organizations in a globally competitive and diverse environment. Inherent in this mission is my commitment to the following objectives:

  1. Teaching - I will teach the core business functions through applied, experiential, and active learning strategies facilitated by appropriate technologies.
  2. Intellectual contribution – I will create and disseminate knowledge in business, which includes learning and pedagogical research, high value added contributions to practice, and discipline-based scholarship.
  3. Public service – I will offer/provide professional expertise to benefit the local, regional, national, and international community.



Full-time student of Business Administration (B.A.) at RheinAhrCampus.


As the entire course will be taught in English, students need to be able to communicate in English (CEFR Level B2 recommended).

Exam Registration (QIS)

bis Ende 1. Halbsemester: 
bis Ende 2. Halbsemester:X
individuelle Anmeldung bis:(Datum)


2 exams (40%), 4 assignments (20%), 1 final (group) project) 40%. Regular attendance and active participation required.


Consumer Behavior, Hawkins, Mothersbaugh, and Best, 12th ed.


Please read the detailed course description is available in myStudy as it contains important information on teaching policies, course requirements and other relevant issues.


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten ist das Bestehen der Prüfungsleistung für das Gesamtmodul. Die Prüfungsleistung für diese Kurseinheit geht zu einem Fünftel (für B51) in die Prüfungsleistung für das Gesamtmodul ein.

letzte Änderung der Seite: March 25, 2016

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