Kursübersicht "Marketing and International Business Case Studies"

Lehrende(r) der Kurseinheit:

Dr. Jasmin Sani


With successful completion of the module, students will have gained extensive insights into the strategic planning and the implementation of marketing mix measures in international marketing. In this practiceoriented course, students have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge to a specific business case. At the same time students will learn the presentation of partial results within the course. They will practice self-motivation and the ability to work in teams.


The participants of the course in each team will find themselves in the fictional role of the International Brand Manager of an existing medium-sized company of the German food industry. In this role, they will be responsible for the successful market entry and market expansion into a new export market. This shall be practiced specifically in one of the most important export markets for Germany: France.

Phase 1: Marketing Audit: First the strategic positioning of the company and its brand portfolio will be analyzed in the home market Germany. Based on a SWOT analysis for the German market learning for the international market entry will be drawn.

Phase 2: Market selection: For the selected export market France a detailed marketing audit on the basis of a competitive analysis will be carried out on site. The participants of the course will take part in a day excursion to Metz/ France to analyse their market. They will visit French supermarkets in order to screen potential competitors, their brand and price positioning. This analysis will lead to a SWOT for the specific entry.

Phase 3: Strategies and objectives In a management summary, the strategic objectives for market entry and the unique selling proposition of the brand range should be defined. A business plan draft for the first three years of market entry is the basis for the calculation of the marketing budget.

Phase 4: Operative marketing management Finally based on the marketing budget marketing mix measures for the successful market entry and expansion will be defined


Lectures with joint discussion and presentation of the learned basics for the specific business case; final presentation of group results.


Formale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich WiSo des RheinAhrCampus für einen Bachelor-Studiengang. Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung über myStudy.

Inhaltliche: Students are required to be familiar with basics in business administration in order to create a draft business plan and a SWOT analysis. In addition, students should have a basic knowledge of marketing: They ought to be familiar with brand positioning and marketing mix activities. Since the course will be held in English, the students should be fluent in this language.


Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage und den damit verbundenen gesundheitlichen Risiken besteht seitens der Hochschule auch kurzfristig die Möglichkeit, die Leistungserbringung (Prüfungsform) im SoSe 2020 zu ändern und damit den Gegebenheiten anzupassen.

aktualisiert am 03.04.20 und verbindlich

group presentation of the business case results with about 4-5 students per group + a short individual oral test (both in English)

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: ...Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*  bei Klausur nicht möglich
oral test: .10..Min.08.06.20  07.04.20
group presentation25.05.20  07.04.20
Hausarbeittt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Anderett.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj

aktualisiert am 03.04.20 und verbindlich * Prüfungsamt Termine


Assessment: group presentation (50%) plus individual oral test (50%)


Basically, it is optional for the students, which in-depth literature they want to use in addition to the content provided in the seminar.Here you can find a list of possible literature in International Marketing:

1. Ellen Roemer (2014): Internationels Marketing 2. Zentes, J. / Swoboda, B./Schramm-Klein, H (2013): Internationels Marketing 3. Czinkota, M. R. / Ronkainen, I. A. (2009): International Marketing, 9th edition 4. Doole, I. / Lowe, R. (2012): International Marketing Strategy, 6th edition. 5. Grafers, H.W./ Schlich, A. W. (2006): Strategic Export Management, 1st edition, Helsinki: WSOY. 6. Hollensen, S. / Opresnik, M. (2010): Marketing – A Relationship Perspective, München. 7. Kotabe, M. & Helsen, K. (2010): Global Marketing Management, 5th edition New York. 8. Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., Harris, L.C., Piercy, N. (2016) Grundlagen des Marketing, 6.Auflage, Pearson, Hallbergmoos 9. Meffert, H., Burmann, B., u.a (2019): Marketing, Grundlagen marktorientierter Unternehmensführung, 13.Aufl., Gabler, Wiesbaden 10. Porter, M.E. (2004): Competitive Strategy. New York 11. Curry, E.C (2000): Internationales Marketing, Köln 12. Albaum, G. / Strandskov, J. / Duerr, E.: Internationales Marketing und Exportmanagement, 3th Edition, München 13. Zollondz, H.-D. (2003): Grundlagen Marketing, Berlin

letzte Änderung der Seite: April 24, 2020

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