Kursübersicht "Emotional Brand Management I"

Lehrende(r) der Kurseinheit:

Prof. Dr. Nicole Krautkrämer-Merkt


Emotions have always been a key success factor for Marketing Campaigns - online and offline.

However, to deal with customers' emotions, especially to analyse them, has become more and more difficult for brand managers in the Realtime-Web-Age.

This course at first outlines, which challenges marketing experts are generally confronted with when creating traditional emotional campaigns (e.g. TV commercials). After that, common advertising tests are presented and carried through. Finally, some selected methods and technologies to monitor emotions on the Web are presented to the students.

This course is based on courses taught in earlier semesters, especially Module B 32.

Skills trained/ Key Competencies:

  • The students learn how to deal with complex advertising challenges deriving from changes in consumer market structure i.e. Web 3.0. In doing so, they finally realise the importance of external business environment factors (here: new technologies) for their future job (here: Monitoring emotions connected with a brand)
  • Advertising strategies are developed and tested in small groups. In doing so, the students can experience the advantages of teamwork.

Language(s): English (Contents 0-2) / Deutsch (Contents 3ff)


  • This course aims at preparing students for practical challenges that are associated with creating and monitoring emotional advertising campaigns.
  • The advertising-related contents of Module B 32 / Marketing are deepened.

Table of Contents:

  • 0 Introduction: Aim of this course
  • 1 Psychology of Emotions (in general)
  • 2 Emotional Customer Satisfaction as key success factor for Marketing
  • 3 How to create emotional advertising strategies and campaigns
  • 4 Advertising tests (Pre- and Posttests)
  • 5 How to measure the mood/ emotions in Blogs and Fora


Mix of Lectures and seminaristic Tuiton; many tasks are done in teamwork or by each student herself/ himself. Multiple presentations of own results in front of the group. Tutorials.


Formale: Students of study course Business and Social Economy, enroled at Bachelor programme of RheinAhrCampus

Inhaltliche: Students should be familiar with contents of Module B 32/ Marketing.


Summative Assessment: An advertising strategy for a product or service (brand) is developed and tested by teams of 3-4 students. The results are presented - and for the successful presentation the ECTS are given.

Evaluation: 3 ECTS Credits are given when the summative assessment was completed successfully.

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: ...Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*  bei Klausur nicht möglich
Test: ...Min.tt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Präsentationen Ergebnisse aus der Gruppenarbeit 25.9.17  25.9.17
Hausarbeittt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Anderett.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Siehe Modulbeschreibung.


  • Kotler, P.: Marketing Moves, Harvard Business School Press, Frankfurt 2002
  • Macy, B. & Thompson, T.: The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing - How to Attract and Retain Customers and Grow the Bottom Line in the Globally Connected World, McGrawHill, Columbus Ohio 2010
  • Krautkrämer-Merkt, N.: An Analysis of the Determinants of the Relationship between (Emotional) Customer Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty. Doctoral Thesis, University of Sunderland 2006

letzte Änderung der Seite: September 20, 2017

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