Course Outline "Macroeconomic key factors and their impact on business (B 51)"

Instructor: PhD. Ia Natsvlishvili, Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Course Objective

This course introduces students to key macroeconomics issues and highlights their implications for business performance. Some key considerations will include business cycles, unemployment, inflation, interest rates, productivity, technological change, and economic growth.

Course Outline

Week 1No Class - Orientation Day--
Week 2Supply & Demand. The National EconomyLessons 3-4Chapters 5 & 6
Week 3Unemployment & Inflation. Productivity and GrowthLessons 5-6Chapters 7 & 8
Week 4Aggregate S & DLesson 7Chapters 9 & 10
Week 5Quiz. Fiscal Policy.Lessons 8-9Chapters 11 & 12
Week 6Money and Financial System. Banking and Money Supply.Lessons 10-11Chapters 13 & 14
Week 7Monetary Theory and PolicyLessons 12-13Chapters 15 & 16
Week 8Final Exam.Lesson 14 

Teaching Method

The course will be delivered in lecture format with interactive teaching methods. The language of instruction is English.


Formal requirements: Full-Time students of Business Administration (B.A.) in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.

Content requirements: Fluency in English.


Grades will be based on a mid-term exam worth 40 points and a final exam worth 60 points (20 points oral presentation, 40 points written exam), for a total of 100. Exams will be based on the material covered in class. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus, as appropriate.


Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Approach, 9th, 10th or 11-th Edition, by William McEachern

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: ...Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*X bei Klausur nicht möglich

* Prüfungsamt Termine


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letzte Änderung der Seite: October 01, 2018

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