Kursübersicht "Strategic Business Communication (B 07b)"

Lehrende(r) der Kurseinheit:

Prof. Dr. Magdalena Stülb


Due to the internationalization of companies and the mobility of individuals communication has grown increasingly complex. People of widely different cultural and linguistic backgrounds are dealing with each other face to face or over long distances, without ever meeting personally. The success of companies largely depends on managers’ ability to foster international relations and to maintain cross-national networks. Intercultural communication skills as well as interdiscourse communication skills are basic requirements. This course is meant to strengthen students’ ability to gain strategic advantages over their competitors in an increasingly diversified business environment.

Students will be enabled to reflect on their own culture, its values and communication styles in order to identify and understand different patterns of communication in intercultural contexts. They will be encouraged to embrace cultural diversity as an opportunity rather than an impediment and to turn working with international and intercultural teams into an advantage. They will master complex communicative tasks such as chairing international meetings and resolving problems arising from critical incidents.


Students will be enabled to critically reflect on current models of culture and notions of group membership and identity. They will draw on the main theories of intercultural communication and discuss generalizations and oversimplifications. Identifying relevant categories for interpersonal negotiation will be a central aim in transferring this knowledge to concrete managerial challenges such as:

  1. Managing intercultural teams
  2. Turning cultural diversity into a competitive advantage
  3. Chairing international meetings
  4. Building trust in long-distance communication
  5. Dealing with complaints and adjustments
  6. Applying international career building strategies


On the basis of classroom case studies, students will be involved in near-realistic managerial situations where they apply their newly-acquired strategic knowledge in a sheltered environment involving pre-teaching and feed-back sessions


Formale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich WiSo des RheinAhrCampus für den Master-Studiengang.

Inhaltliche: Students must be able to communicate freely in an English-speaking environment.


Continuous Assessment on the basis of classroom work (e.g. chairing a meeting,managing an intercultural team, solving problems in e-communication and phone-calls), student interview project

bis Ende 1. Halbsemester:x
bis Ende 2. Halbsemester: 
individuelle Anmeldung bis:_________ (Datum)


Die Prüfungsleistung ist erbracht und ECTS-Punkte werden zuerkannt, wenn die Prüfungsleistung zu der gewählten Kurseinheit des Gesamtmoduls bestanden worden ist. Die entsprechende Bewertung ergibt dann die Modulnote.


  • Mead, R. and Andrews T. G. 2010: International Management. Culture and Beyond. Fourth Edition. West Sussex: Wiley.
  • Spencer-Oatey, H. and Franklin P. 2009: Intercultural interaction: a multidisciplinary approach to intercultural communication. Basingstoke [u.a.]: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Neuliep, J. W. 2009: Intercultural communication: a contextual approach. Fourth Edition. Los Angeles [u.a.]: Sage.
  • Tuleja, E. A. 2009: Intercultural communication for business. Mason: South-Western.
  • Piller, I. 2011: Intercultural communication. A Critical Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

letzte Änderung der Seite: February 28, 2013

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