Course Outline "International Study Skills: Global Economic Issues (B07b)"

Instructor: Dr. Kenrick H. Jordan, Coastal Carolina University

Course Objective

This course provides students with a solid understanding of the major global economic issues and discusses policy responses to-date, challenges in their implementation, and suggestions for possible changes in policy. At the same time, it helps students to understand and develop the skills required for a successful study abroad experience in a US academic environment.

Course Outline

  • Module 1: Overview of Global Economic Issues
  • Module 2: International Financial Integration and Stability
  • Module 3: International Trade Liberalization: Issues and Opportunities
  • Module 4 Inequality and Poverty
  • Module 5: Opportunities and Costs of International Migration
  • Module 6: Global Food Security: Strategies for Dealing with Hunger and Malnutrition
  • Module 7: Diseases and Borders: Dealing with Communicable Diseases and Other Health Issues
  • Module 8: Imperative of Education in an Increasingly Integrated World
  • Module 9: Challenges of Climate Change
  • Module 11: A Sustainable Energy Future
  • Module 12: Managing Global Water Resources
  • Module 13: Global Fisheries: Tragedy of the Commons?
  • Module 14: Managing the World’s Forestry Resources: Biopiracy and Intellectual Property Rights

Teaching Method

The course will be delivered in interactive lecture format, with active learning exercises. The language of instruction is English.


Formal requirements: Full-Time students of Business Administration (M.A.) in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences.

Content requirements: Fluency in English.


Grades will be based on the submission and presentation of projects related to the topics covered in the course. Depending on the number of students taking the course, projects may be assigned to groups or individuals.


Global Issues for Global Citizens, An Introduction to Key Development Challenges, by Vinay Bhargava, 2006, World Bank.

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Die Prüfungsleistung ist erbracht und ECTS-Punkte werden zuerkannt, wenn die Prüfungsleistung zu der gewählten Kurseinheit des Gesamtmoduls bestanden worden ist. Die entsprechende Bewertung ergibt dann die Modulnote.

letzte Änderung der Seite: June 02, 2014

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