Kursübersicht "Internationales Planspiel Logistikmanagement (L A 02)"


Frau Sabine Rauh M.A.

Course Objective

This course provides students with an opportunity to work in teams to solve international logistical issues through collaboration and innovation. Students will need to apply their knowledge about logistics but will also train their intercultural skills from various disciplines to a problem of international process management. They will act in English in an international environment. Learning objectives are the practice of strategic conceptual work in different teams and the recognition that logistical problems are best solved through cooperation.

Course Content

Students will form independent project teams and work together on an international logistics issue for the duration of the semester. Learning will be largely self-directed, with guidance from teaching staff where required. Students will be encouraged to adopt a strategic and entrepreneurial perspective and develop innovative responses to logistical problems.

Teaching Method

The course will be delivered in interactive workshop format and students will also work in teams outside class times in the format agreed upon by the team. The language of instruction is English.


Formal requirements: Enrolled students in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences of the RheinAhrCampus for the M.A. Programme in Business Administration.

Content Requirements: Communicative English skills for active participation in international meetings and group work.


Grades will be based on submission of a report and a final presentation. Formative assessment will take place throughout the course via discussion with, and feedback from, the tutor.

bis Ende 1. Halbsemester:X
bis Ende 2. Halbsemester: 
individuelle Anmeldung bis:_________ (Datum)


Die Prüfungsleistung ist erbracht und ECTS-Punkte werden zuerkannt, wenn Prüfungsleistungen zu vier verschiedenen Kurseinheiten des Gesamtmoduls bestanden worden sind.

Die Prüfungsleistung für diese Kurseinheit geht zu einem Viertel in die Prüfungsleistung für das Gesamtmodul ein.


  • Milgrom, P.R, Roberts, J “Economics, organization, and management”, Prentice Hall Engelwood Cliffs, NJ.
  • Waters, D 2009 “Supply chain management: An introduction to logistics”, 2nd edn, Palgrave Macmillan, NY.

letzte Änderung der Seite: April 21, 2016

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