Kursübersicht "Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement Seminar (Seminar 1)"

Lehrende(r) der Kurseinheit:

Seminar: Prof. Dr. Mareike Heinzen, Workshops: Finn Rieken, Jan Conrads

The Seminar is held in English or German depending on the requirements of the group and product.


In this seminar, interdisciplinary student groups simulate building up their own Startup with a technological product and run through an entire product development process in which Technology and Innovation Management is of uttermost importance. Starting with customer-centered scouting and ideation, participants learn how to successfully design, iterate and manage new technologies as well as how to innovate new (digital) business models and finalize business plans. This seminar is accessible for students of both faculties (management and mathematics) and simulates reality based business practices. Due to its interdisciplinary approach, students learn how to successfully exchange ideas, knowledge and approaches within their groups and are encouraged to collaborate with students from other disciplines. During their product development processes, the interdisciplinary teams are trained via impulse workshops (Design Thinking or Lean Startup) and are individually coached by thematic experts regarding prototyping of their technical ideas (prototying with a 3D printer or with programming software) (see required Follow-up Seminar Rapid Prototyping (2 ECTS)) . In order to finalize the seminar, students have to process their technical ideas into pitch videos and finalize their business plan (see required Follow-up Seminar Business Planning and Pitch (2 ECTS)).

Vermittelte Schlüsselqualifikationen

Students gain social & communication skills through interdisciplinary group discussion and knowledge sharing and video-based role plays and pitches. They acquire knowledge in fields of innovation and technology management and entrepreneurial behavior as well as product development techniques. Knowledge sources are contemporary studies of selected journals, customized e-learning and support from coaches and experts. Students gain management skills by e.g. transferring the theoretical concepts into practical questions, creating customer experiences through prototyping, applying problem-solving management techniques and systemic skills by recognizing and evaluating innovation processes from an individual, organizational and network perspective.


Startup Simulation: If your team participates in all 3 seminars you will end up with a prototype and a business plan that can be submitted to Competitions, such as Ideenwettbewerb Rheinland-Pfalz or others:

Seminar 2: 3D Modelling and Printing or App Programming (held by Caspar Kneer and Christian Rausch) Seminar 3: Business Planning (held by Prof. Dr. Mareike Heinzen) Throughout the course: Pitch Video Production supported by experts (held by Nicole Moog)


29.11. (14.15-17.30), 30.11. (10.00-17.30) und 18.1.2020 (10.00-17.30) + individual coaching in groups


Seminaristischer Unterricht (fachliche Inputs) und Gruppenarbeit.


Formale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des RheinAhrCampus für den Master-Studiengang.



Pitch (Präsentation) + Business Plan (HA)

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: ...Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*  bei Klausur nicht möglich
Test: ...Min.tt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Präsentationtt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Hausarbeit21.02.20  01.01.20
Anderett.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Die Prüfungsleistung ist erbracht und ECTS-Punkte werden zuerkannt, wenn Prüfungsleistungen zu drei verschiedenen Kurseinheiten (hier Seminar Rapid Prototypen + Seminar Business Planning) des Gesamtmoduls bestanden worden sind. Die Prüfungsleistung für diese Kurseinheit geht zu einem Drittel in die Prüfungsleistung für das Gesamtmodul ein.


  • Boutellier, Roman, and Mareike Heinzen. Growth through innovation: Managing the technology-driven enterprise. Springer Science & Business Media, 2014.
  • Edgar, Jonathan, and Saxon Tint. "Additive manufacturing technologies: 3D printing, rapid prototyping, and direct digital manufacturing." Johnson Matthey Technology Review 59, no. 3 (2015): 193-198.
  • Goller, Ina, and John Bessant. Creativity for innovation management. Routledge, 2017.
  • Lewrick, Michael, Patrick Link, and Larry Leifer. The Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful Digital Transformation of Teams, Products, Services, Businesses and Ecosystems. John Wiley & Sons, 2018.
  • Osterwalder, Alexander, and Yves Pigneur. Business model generation: a handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
  • Ries, Eric. The lean startup: How today's entrepreneurs use continuous innovation to create radically successful businesses. Crown Books, 2011.
  • Van Aerssen, Benno, and Christian Buchholz, eds. Das große Handbuch der Innovation: 555 Methoden und Instrumente für mehr Kreativität und Innovation im Unternehmen. Verlag Franz Vahlen, 2018.

letzte Änderung der Seite: November 18, 2019

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