Kursübersicht "Learning Organization - Theory and practice"

Lehrende(r) der Kurseinheit:

Fr. Dr. Gabriele Wolff

E-mail wolff@hs-koblenz.de

You are encouraged to contact me during non-class hours whenever my guidance is needed for learning and homework.

Course Overview

The concept of the leaning organization is considered one of the most successful theoretical models to explain and analyze complex structures within organizations. The seminar concentrates on the scientific foundation of this theory and its influence on neighboring disciplines (psychology, sociology, neurobiology, philosophy). The course addresses the topicality of these thought structures and their validity in most diverse working environments.

Using practical exercises and case studies students are given a reference to the managerial practice of this theoretical structure and its suitability for daily use. A choice piece of modern art will be used to train the thinking process “out of the box” during excursions to the Ludwig Museum in Koblenz and the wolfcraft company (www.wolfcraft.de) , thus offering practice in scientific and practical work.

  1. Constructivism as a theoretical model (History of Constructivism, Popper, Willke, Luhmann, etc.)
  2. The organization in the knowledge society: what is knowledge? Meaning, preservation and application
  3. Neurobiological foundations of cognition (e.g. Maturana / Varela, Gerald Hüther, David Rock &colleagues)
  4. How to support the development of a learning organization (entrepreneurial practice, case studies)
  5. Systemic thinking (Cybernetics 1. and 2. order, autopoiesis)
  6. Excursions : wolfcraft ; Ludwig Museum Koblenz

Learning Outcomes

The students will acquire basic knowledge in the occidental idea of man and its current relevance, as well as basic knowledge about communicative structures and systemic thinking. They will discuss and consider the application and references of these aspects in their professional thinking. They will learn methods for better leading others and themselves, making appropriate decisions and acting in various contexts.


The course will be delivered in interactive lecture format, with active learning exercises like group work, presentations and excursions. The language of instruction is English.


Students must be able to manage studying in an English-speaking environment.

Formal requirements: Enrolled students in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences of the RheinAhrCampus for the M.A. Programme in Business Administration.

Examination method

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*"individuelles Datum"
Klausur: ...Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*  bei Klausur nicht möglich
Test: ...Min.tt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Präsentationtt.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj
Hausarbeit26.01.2020  03.10.2019
Anderett.mm.jj  tt.mm.jj

* Prüfungsamt Termine

letzte Änderung der Seite: August 20, 2019

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