Syllabi/ MA / MB07b / Advanced International Studies |
Kursübersicht "Advanced International Studies (B 07b)"Lehrende(r) der Kurseinheit: Prof. Dr. Magdalena Stülb Dr. Tamar Kbiladze Lernergebnisse/KompetenzenInternationalization, Globalization, Cosmopolitanism – these keywords are present in everyday life as well as in academic discourse or business contexts. The terms refer to various developments in the last decades affecting multinational as well as regional companies, national and international institutions and particularly individual professional and social lives. How can employees and active citizens be prepared to create and effectively handle transnational social and business networks, to act globally while maintaining their regional advantages? How can intercultural differences be bridged successfully? And how can students plan their own international career during their studies? The aim is to engage students with the growing number of issues and phenomena which have arisen under the conditions of globalization. On the basis of current research papers, academic discourse and case studies, students will gain insight in the challenges faced by multinational as well as small and medium-sized businesses. The course will improve students’ awareness of the social and individual impact of global changes. It facilitates the development of international key competencies such as IT skills, presentation skills, active citizenship and team work ability. Students will carry out, present and document their own international project. The course will improve students' cross-cultural awareness and communicative abilities. InhalteInternationalization is no longer a phenomenon reserved to the big multinationals. Small and medium-sized companies and institutions need to reach out to international markets in order to remain competitive in their regional networks. In this course students will learn about important aspects of employee mobility and the challenges faced by expatratriates living and working in transnational contexts. They will gain insight into processes of social and economic global transformation on different levels: the individual and family level, the company level as well as political and societal levels. Students will develop strategies for their own active internationalization. LehrformenLearning is achieved through natural communication and independent work on projects and presentations. Students will gain learner independence by organizing and documenting their own project and learning process in a portfolio. TeilnahmevoraussetzungenFormale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich WiSo des RheinAhrCampus für den Master-Studiengang. Inhaltliche: Students must be able to function in an English-speaking environment. PrüfungsformenContinuous assessment is effected throughout the semester on the basis of active participation and the documentation of personal work and progress in a term paper.
BewertungDie Prüfungsleistung ist erbracht und ECTS-Punkte werden zuerkannt, wenn die Prüfungsleistung zu der gewählten Kurseinheit des Gesamtmoduls bestanden worden ist. Die entsprechende Bewertung ergibt dann die Modulnote. Literaturhinweise
letzte Änderung der Seite: August 09, 2019 | Archiv - Bearbeiten - Admin |