Modulübersicht B 07.01 Internationale Kompetenzen

Nr.WorkloadCreditsStudiensemesterHäufigkeit des AngebotsDauer
B 07.01210 Std.7 CP2. Semesterjedes Sommersemester1 Semester
Modulverantwortliche(r)Lehrende(r) im Modul
Prof. Dr. Magdalena StülbProf. Dr. Magdalena Stülb
 Dipl.-Bw. (FH) Georg Reifferscheid
 Dr. Gabriele Wolff
Art des ModulsVeranstaltungsform(en)KontaktzeitSelbststudiumgeplante GruppengrößeLehrsprache
WahlpflichtSeminar mit integrierter Übung96 Std.114 20-25 Stud.Deutsch/ Englisch

Verwendung des Moduls

  • Master-Studiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Basismodul)
  • Master-Studiengang Economic and Social Research (Basismodul)
  • Master-Studiengang Management, Leadership, Innovation (Basismodul)
  • Master-Studiengang Sportmanagement (Basismodul)


Internationalization and globalization – these keywords are present in everyday life as well as in academic discourse or business contexts. The terms refer to various developments in the last decades affecting multinational as well as regional companies, national and international institutions and particularly individual professional and social lives. How can employees and active citizens be prepared to create and effectively handle transnational social and business networks, to act globally while maintaining their regional advantages? How can intercultural differences be bridged successfully? And how can students plan their own international career during their studies?

The modul aims to engage students with the growing number of issues and phenomena, which have arisen under the conditions of globalization. On the basis of current research papers, aca-demic discourse and case studies, students will gain insight in the challenges faced by multina-tional as well as small and medium-sized businesses. The course will improve students’ aware-ness of the social and individual impact of global changes. It facilitates the development of inter-national key competencies such as IT-skills, presentation skills, active citizenship and teamwork ability. Students will carry out, present and document their own international project. The course will improve students' cross-cultural awareness and communicative abilities.

The modul introduces the concept of the leaning organization, which is considered one of the most successful theoretical models to explain and analyze complex structures within organiza-tions. It concentrates on the scientific foundation of this theory and its influence on neighboring disciplines (psychology, sociology, neurobiology, philosophy). The modul addresses the topicality of these thought structures and their validity in most diverse working environments. Using practi-cal exercises and case studies students are given a reference to the managerial practice of this theoretical structure and its suitability for daily use.

The students will learn the importance of process-oriented business thinking and structure within organizations. Based on the concept of "Values-based Process Management (VBPM), students will learn different approaches to & methods of documenting, analyzing and improving/implementing current processes within organizations, while focusing on the employee as the basis for continuous improvement. Furthermore, students gain insights and critically discuss the influence of leadership in transformational and change processes. The module delivers a structured, methodic and values-based approach towards the continuous development of organizations with regard to process structures.


Sozial- und Kommunikationskompetenz*Group discussion
*Presentation of group work
*Excursions to companies
*Excursions to museums and art exhibitions
*Group work on case studies
*Discussion of ethical dilemmas
*Cultural diversity in groups
*Presentations in English
Wissenserwerb*Knowledge of relevant theories on globalization and global migration
*Knowledge of the influence of transnational networks on entrepreneurship
*Knowledge of intercultural leadership models
*Knowledge of the importance of process-oriented business or-ganization based on values
Wissensvertiefung*Knowledge of the impact of globalization on selected fields (human resources management, transnational migration, family lives, individual professional perspectives)
*Understanding of processes in organizational structures
Instrumentale Kompetenz*Application of theory on business situations
*Application of theory in case studies and group simulation exer-cises
Systemische Kompetenz*Evaluation of intercultural business situations
*Evaluation of the impact of transnational networks on business success
*Evaluation of the interdependence of motivation, leadership, process management and values.

Vermittelte Schlüsselqualifikationen

analytical skills, international language and communication skills, social and intercultural compe-tences, international leadership skills, methodological skills, self-management competences


a.Advanced International Studies b.Learning Organizations c.Values Based Process Mangement

Internationalization is no longer a phenomenon reserved to the big multinationals. Small and medium-sized companies and institutions need to reach out to international markets in order to re-main competitive in their regional networks. In this course students will learn about important aspects of employee mobility and the challenges faced by expatriates living and working in transnational contexts. They will gain insight into processes of social and economic global transformation on different levels: the individual and family level, the company level as well as political and societal levels. Students will develop strategies for their own active internationalization.

Students will acquire basic knowledge in the occidental idea of man and its current relevance, as well as basic knowledge about communicative structures and systemic thinking. They will discuss and consider the application and references of these aspects in their professional thinking. They will learn methods for better leading others and themselves, making appropriate decisions and acting in various contexts. Topics will be: constructivism as a theoretical model, the organization in the knowledge society, neurobiological foundations of cognition, development of a learn-ing organization systemic thinking.

Students will learn the importance of process-oriented business thinking and structure within organizations: Dealing with aspects of Process Management, Quality Management, Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) on an organizational level as well as values and Leadership on an individual level.


The instruction language is English. Learning is achieved through natural communication, inter-active lecturing, independent work on projects as well as group work and presentations. Students will gain learner independence by organizing and documenting their own project and learning pro-cess in a portfolio. Working with case studies students will actively put their knowledge about teamwork and leadership into practice. Excursions to exhibitions and to companies.


Formale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich WiSo des RheinAhrCampus für einen Master-Studiengang.

Inhaltliche: Keine


Prüfungsleistung in Form einer Lernportfolio-Prüfung. Folgende Prüfungsformen kommen dabei zum Einsatz, die zu jeweils einem Drittel in die Endnote einfließen:

Teilmodul "Advanced International Studies" (Stülb: Einsendeaufgaben und aktive Teilnahme
Teilmodul "Learning Organizations" (Wolff: Hausarbeit und aktive Teilname
Teilmodul: "Values Based Process Mangement"(Reifferscheid: Präsentation und aktive Teilnahme
ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HSEnde 2. HSindividuelles Datum
Klausur: ... Minwird vom PA festgelegt   
Andere (Lernportfolio)s.Information der Dozent*innen x 

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten ist das Bestehen der Prüfungsleistung für das Modul. Das Modul geht mit 7 ECTS in die Gesamtzahl von 120 ECTS-Punkten ein.


Goulbourne, H. (2010): Transnational families: ethnicities, identities and social capital. London: Routledge. Mead, R. and Andrews, T. G. (2010): International Management. Fourth Edition. Chichester: Wiley Nieswand, B. (2011): Theorising transnational migration: the status paradox of migration. New York: Routlegde Den Studierenden werden weitere Lernmaterialien auf OLAT zur Verfügung gestellt.

letzte Änderung der Seite: March 19, 2021

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