Modulübersicht B 07.03 Selbstkompetenzen

Nr.WorkloadCreditsStudiensemesterHäufigkeit des AngebotsDauer
B 07.03210 Std.7 CP2. Semesterjedes Sommersemester1 Semester
Modulverantwortliche(r)Lehrende(r) im Modul
Prof. Dr. Magdalena StülbDr. Helmut Barth
 Prof. Dr. Magdalena Stülb
 Dipl.-Bw. (FH) Georg Reifferscheid
Art des ModulsVeranstaltungsform(en)KontaktzeitSelbststudiumgeplante GruppengrößeLehrsprache
WahlpflichtSeminar mit integrierter Übung96 Std.114 20 - 25 Stud.Englisch

Verwendung des Moduls

  • Master-Studiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Basismodul)
  • Master-Studiengang Economic and Social Research (Basismodul)
  • Master-Studiengang Management, Leadership, Innovation (Basismodul)
  • Master-Studiengang Sportmanagement (Basismodul)


Starting with the knowledge staircase students know about and understand the different types, the importance and the usage of knowledge and Knowledge Management (KM) in practice. They benchmark different organizational approaches and technical platforms and are able to set up a first-step approach to prepare the introducion of KM in practice.

Students gain an understanding of the relation between culture and business. Despite of current discourses on the decline of regional cultures and the rise of a homogenous global culture, it seems that more than ever before it is referred to culture when something goes wrong or misunderstandings occur in business interactions. Although culture is soft and not measurable, it still has an undeniably important impact on business communication. Due to the internationalization of companies and the mobility of individuals communication has grown increasingly complex. While most business today is conducted in English, this language is no longer the sole domain of native speakers. People of widely different cultural and linguistic backgrounds are dealing with each other either face to face or over long distances without ever meeting personally. The modul aims to enable students to foster international relations and to build up cross-national networks. Students improve their intercultural and interdiscourse communication communication skills. Working with blended learning methods students acquire self-study abilities and time-management skills.


Sozial- und Kommunikationskompetenz*Group discussion
*Presentation of group work
*Group work on case studies
*Cultural diversity in groups
*Presentations in English
*Case studies
Wissenserwerb*Knowledge of relevant theories on communication and culture
*Knowledge of the influence of transnational networks on entre-preneurship
*Knowledge of models intercultural leadership competences
*Knowledge of basis theories of knowledge management in or-ganization
Wissensvertiefung*Knowledge of models on verbal, nonverbal and para-verbal in-tercultural communication
*Knowledge of social impacts on communication
*Knowledge of communication challenges in virtual networks
Instrumentale Kompetenz*Application of theory on business situations
*Application of theory in case studies and group simulation exer-cises
*Application of tools to manage knowledge flows in organizations
Systemische Kompetenz*Evaluation of intercultural business situations
*Evaluation of the impact of transnational networks on business success
*Understand and analyze complex structures of knowledge flows in organizations

Vermittelte Schlüsselqualifikationen

analytical skills, international language and communication skills, social and intercultural compe-tences, international leadership skills,


a.Knowledge Management b.Culture and Communication in International Business c.Leadership Skills

The framework of knowledge, Problem solving with knowledge, Rewarding systems for sharing knowledge, Project Management and knowledge, Asset management and the worth of knowledge, Human Resources and knowledge, Organizational aspects of knowledge, ITC infrastructure for knowledge, Learning and learning organization and knowledge, Club of Rome and other global initiatives to generate and to share knowledge.

Intercultural communicative competence is a combination of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Students will be enabled to reflect on their own culture, its values and communication styles in order to identify and understand different patterns of communication in intercultural contexts. They will be encouraged to embrace cultural diversity as an opportunity rather than an impediment and to turn working with international and intercultural teams into an advantage. They will master complex communicative tasks such as chairing international meetings and resolving problems arising from critical incidents. Students will be enabled to critically reflect on current models of culture and notions of group membership and identity. They will draw on the main theories of intercultural communication and discuss generalizations and oversimplifications. Identifying relevant catego-ries for interpersonal negotiation will be a central aim in transferring this knowledge to concrete managerial challenges.


Lecture and Case Studies, guided discussions, Blended Learning Methods, Analysis of video case studies, exercises to enable self-reflection and stereotypes, simulation of business commu-nication situations, text discussions


Formale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich WiSo des RheinAhrCampus für einen Master-Studiengang.

Inhaltliche: Keine


Prüfungsleistung in Form einer Lernportfolio-Prüfung. Folgende Prüfungsformen kommen dabei zum Einsatz, die zu jeweils einem Drittel in die Endnote einfließen:

Teilmodul "Knowledge Management " (Barth): Hausarbeit und Präsentation
Teilmodul "Culture and Communication in International Business " (Stülb): Einsendeaufgaben und aktive Teilname
Teilmodul: "Leadership Skills" (Reifferscheid): Präsentation und aktive Teilnahme
ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HSEnde 2. HSindividuelles Datum
Klausur: ... Minwird vom PA festgelegt*   
Andere (Lernportfolio)s. Information der Dozent*innen x 

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten ist das Bestehen der Prüfungsleistung für das Modul. Das Modul geht mit 7 ECTS in die Gesamtzahl von 120 ECTS-Punkten ein.


Dalkir, K. 2011: Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice. MIT Press Neuliep, J. W. 2017: Intercultural communication: a contextual approach. 7th Edition. Los Angeles [u.a.]: Sage. Piller, I. 2017: Intercultural communication. A Critical Introduction. 2nd Edition. Edinburgh: Edin-burgh University Press. Tuleja, E. A. 2014: Intercultural communication for business. Mason: South-Western. Den Studierenden werden weitere Arbeitsmaterialien auf OLAT zur Verfügung gestellt.

letzte Änderung der Seite: March 19, 2021

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