Teilstudienplan International Competence


Es ist ein Modul zu wählen. Wahlmodule in der PO, die in jedem Semester angeboten werden:

B 25 International Competence
..01International Competence: Business and Communication (BE2, IBS, ICC, TOEFL)7 ECTS8 SWSPFP o AS
..02International Competence: Language and Business Culture (BE2,BE3,ICC,TOEFL)7 ECTS8 SWSPFP o AS
..03International Competence: Languages (BE2, BE3, TOEFL, WS1)7 ECTS8 SWSPFP o AS

Die Liste der Wahlmodule ist nicht ausschließlich. Aktuelle weitere Wahlmodule sind:

B 25 International Competence
..04International Competence: Working Internationally (BE2, IBS, IntEx, ICC)7 ECTS8 SWSPFP o AS
..05International Competence: Asia (KultSOA, IS1, IS2, IntEx)7 ECTS8 SWSPFP o AS
..06International Competence: Europe (EurS, BE2, WS1, WS27 ECTS8 SWSPFP o AS


This module addresses cross-functional competencies for international business environments with a specific focus on management tasks and functions. As the complexity of the professional environments is constantly increasing, this module is designed to enable students to tackle these tasks and develop the social, linguistic and international skills required for success as well as enabling them to focus on strategic fields and geographical regions for their internationalization such as the European Union, the United States and Asia. Students are encouraged to choose a focus which is in line with their own long-term goals and perspectives.

Students will be offered a chance to develop their intercultural teamwork skills and the ability to analyse and assess their own performance in corporate environments. Creativity and the ability to manage conflict and change will be enhanced. International job search skills and competencies required for integration into international teams will be covered as well.

Depending on their own choices and preferences, students can develop their communication skills in English or Spanish, two world languages of Business Communication In addition, they can learn about specific regions and cultures and the respective business environments. Some of the electives are compatible with the curriculum of the English Language Certificate offered at HS Koblenz, University of Applied Sciences. This optional extra qualification is a well-established tool to encourage students to boost their language skills by completing a relevant curriculum and taking a standardized external examination (TOEFL) documenting their language skills for future job applications. It follows the concept of offering assessment for learning in addition to delivering assessment of learning.

The relevance of the skills and competencies covered is obvious both for small and medium-sized enterprises and for large international companies.

Vermittelte Schlüsselqualifikationen

  • Integrated problem solving, initiative, independence learning
  • Intercultural communication skills for an international business environment
  • Presentation skills and negotiation skills for international contexts
  • Collaboration, conflict management and leadership skills
  • Critical, ethical, and sustainable thinking and analytical skills
  • Strategic use of technologies for international communication
  • Individually customized strategies for internationalization (lifelong learning).


Formal: Full-time students in the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences at RheinAhrCampus Remagen.

Academic: The skills and competencies covered in Module B 14.

Inhalte: Cf. individual descriptions of Modules 01-06.

Lehrformen: Cf. individual descriptions of Modules 01-06.

Prüfungsformen: Cf. individual descriptions of Modules 01-06.


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten ist das Bestehen der Prüfungsleistung für das jeweilige Modul. Es ist ein Modul zu wählen. Der Teilstudienplan geht mit 7 ECTS in die Gesamtzahl von 180 ECTS-Punkten ein.

Literaturhinweise: Cf. individual descriptions of Modules 01-06.

letzte Änderung der Seite: May 25, 2021

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