Modulübersicht M A 01 Advanced Innovation and Leadership Studies

Nr.WorkloadCreditsStudiensemesterHäufigkeit des AngebotsDauer
M A 01180 Std.6 CP2. Semesterjedes Sommersemester1 Semester
Modulverantwortliche(r)Lehrende(r) im Modul
Prof. Dr. Fee SteinhoffProf. Dr. Fee Steinhoff
Art des ModulsVeranstaltungsform(en)KontaktzeitSelbststudiumgeplante GruppengrößeLehrsprache
Pflichtseminaristischer Unterricht mit integrierter Übung96 Std.84 10 Stud.Englisch

Verwendung des Moduls

Master-Studiengang Management, Leadership, Innovation (Vertiefungsmodul)


In this module, MLI students are introduced to the most established schools of thought within innovation leadership and innovation management. It responds to the growing importance of issues and phenomena that relate to innovation, which have arisen under the conditions of increasing market dynamics due to globalization and digital transformation. On the basis of current research papers, academic discourse and case studies, students will gain insights in the challeng-es faced by multinational as well as small and medium-sized businesses (theory-practice transfer). By providing reality based contexts, this module aims at providing students with the basic equipment of concepts within innovation focused theory and practice.


Sozial- und Kommunikationskompetenz• Group discussion
• General debate
• Group work on case studies
• Presentation of individual or group work
Wissenserwerb• Main concepts within innovation and leadership research
• Concepts, methods and case studies focusing on innovation related management, processes and cultures
• Recent topics within innovation and leadership practice
• Management styles facilitating entrepreneurial behavior
• Product development techniques
Wissensvertiefung• Contemporary studies of selected journals and literature
• Ted talks from multi-disciplinary experts
Instrumentale Kompetenz• Transferring innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship concepts on practical settings
• Application of problem solving management techniques
• Agile development of innovation focused projects
• Proficiency in ideating and implementing both radical and continuous innovation
• Transforming ideas into customer centered concepts
Systemische Kompetenz• Recognition and evaluation of innovation processes
• Evaluation of the interdependence of innovation management and leadership

Vermittelte Schlüsselqualifikationen

Professional, methodical and social competences, international language and communication skills, analytic skills: problem structuring/ problem solving advanced comprehension of scientific and subject-specific literature (concepts, methods and case studies), theory-practice transfer.


1. Innovation Experience Management

Innovation development is probably the most important but also most risky activity within a firm. Across companies many years and millions of dollars are spent developing products or services that on average fail far more often than they succeed. On the other hand, leading companies manage to bring out successful new products with a great innovation experience. The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of current best prac-tices in innovation experience management. This course examines the strategies, processes, tools and techniques used by leading-edge companies for innovation experience management. Participants will learn about and apply innovative tools including discovery research, value proposition creation, user experience testing and customer experience design.

  • Basics of Innovation Experience Management
  • Introduction to the Customers’ World
  • Discovery Research & Value Proposition Development
  • Basics of User Experience Design
  • User Experience Prototyping & Testing
  • Customer Experience Management

2. Innovation Leadership & Coaching

Innovation Leadership & Coaching is crucial for future-oriented companies and employees. Com-panies have to continuously improve and even reinvent their products and services to be successful innovators in the market. But what does that mean for leaders, employees and teams in an organization? Which competencies and mind sets are needed to contribute successfully to innovation projects? And how can teams be best supported so that their innovation goals can be achieved? The “Innovation Leadership & Coaching” course examines strategies, processes and tools used by leading-edge leaders to drive creativity and innovation.

  • Introduction to “Innovation Leadership & Coaching”
  • Self-Reflection “Leadership”
  • Coaching: Innovation leaders’ basic competence
  • Team coaching: Enabling team work
  • Innovation Leadership Part I: Creative problem solving
  • Innovation Leadership Part II: Creative agility & Creative collaboration


  • Interactive seminars
  • Flipped classroom
  • Online trainings
  • Practical exercises
  • Ted talks

The instruction language is English. Learning is achieved through natural communication, interactive lecturing, independent work on projects as well as group work and presentations. Students will gain learner independence by organizing and documenting their own project and learning process in a portfolio. Working with case studies students will actively put their knowledge into practice.


Formale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich WiSo des RheinAhrCampus für den Master-Studiengang „Management, Leadership, Innovation“.

Inhaltliche: keine


Prüfungsleistung: Portfolioprüfung (Hausarbeit, Präsentation, mündliche Prüfung). Students are able to choose two examination elements out of the three listed above. These elements will count equally towards the overall score awarded for the module.

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: Min.    
Test: Min.    
Präsentation28.05.21  bis zum 10.05.21
Hausarbeit01.07.21  bis zum 10.05.21
Hausarbeit mit Präsentation    
Mündl. Prüfungvor. 08.07.21  bis zum 10.05.21

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten ist das Bestehen der Prüfungsleistung für das Modul. Diese wird aus den einzelnen Bestandteilen der Portfolioprüfung generiert, welche gleich-gewichtet in die Modulbewertung eingehen. Es gibt keine Bestehensgrenzen auf Basis der einzelnen Elemente der Portfolioprüfung.

Das Modul geht mit 6 ECTS in die Gesamtzahl von 120 ECTS-Punkten ein.


Slide scripts, journal articles and case materials will be provided.

Exemplary recommendations for further reading "Innovation Experience Management":

Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., Smith, A. (2014) Value Proposition Design.

Kalbach, J., Schrage, M. (2020) The jobs to be done playbook: Align your markets, organization, and Strategy around.

Levy, J. (2015) UX Strategy: How to devise innovative digital products that people want.

Krug, S. (2009) Rocket Surgery made easy: The do-it-yourself guide to finding and fixing usability proplems.

Yablonski, J. (2020) Laws of UX: Using psychology to design better products & services.

Exemplary recommendations for further reading "Innovation Leadership & Coaching":

Bianci, C. (2014) Coaching for Innovation: Tools and Techniques for Encouraging New Ideas in the Workplace.

Hill, L., Brandeau. G., Truelove, E., Lineback, K. (2014) Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation.

Kelley, T., Kelley, D. (2015) Creative Confidence: Unleashing the creative potential within us all.

Sloane, P. (2009) The innovative leader – how to inspire your team and drive creativity.

letzte Änderung der Seite: April 01, 2021

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