Modulübersicht M A 04 Digital and Global

Nr.WorkloadCreditsStudiensemesterHäufigkeit des AngebotsDauer
M A 04180 Std.6 CP4. Semesterjedes Sommersemester1 Semester
Modulverantwortliche(r)Lehrende(r) im Modul
Prof. Dr. Magdalena StülbProf. Dr. Magdalena Stülb
 Jan Conrads, M. A.
Art des ModulsVeranstaltungsform(en)KontaktzeitSelbststudiumgeplante GruppengrößeLehrsprache
Pflichtseminaristischer Unterricht96 Std.84 10 Stud.Englisch

Verwendung des Moduls

Master-Studiengang Management, Leadership, Innovation (Vertiefungsmodul)


In this module, MLI students deepen their understanding of management, leadership and innova-tion topics by focusing on how social change and population dynamics and technological megatrends change business culture and the logic of value-added processes and thus cause sustained pressure from the market. Furthermore, students gain substantial knowledge on how dynamics within companies reciprocally changes the competition itself. Being equipped with state-of-the-art theories, concepts and models combined with case studies looking at impacts of these megatrends on multinational as well as small and medium-sized businesses, students learn to derive operational and strategic best practices (theory-practice transfer).


Sozial- und Kommunikationskompetenz• Group discussion
• General debate
• Group work on case studies
• Presentation of individual or group work
• Excursions to companies
• Online classes
• Video-based role plays
Wissenserwerb• Main concepts, methods and case studies within intercultural studies
• Knowledge of relevant theories on globalization and global migration
• Knowledge of the influence of transnational networks on entrepreneurship
• Knowledge of intercultural leadership models
• Success stories of digital business transformation
• Recent topics within digital innovation and digital leadership practice
• Management styles identifying threats and opportunities brought by disruptive technologies
• Business model development techniques
Wissensvertiefung• Contemporary studies of selected journals
• Customized e-Learning
• Ted talks from multi-disciplinary experts (founders, managers, alumni, scientists)
Instrumentale Kompetenz• Application of theory on business situations
• Application of theory in case studies and group simulation exercises
• Proficiency in ideating and implementing both radical digital innovation
Systemische Kompetenz• Recognition and evaluation of innovation processes from an individual, organizational and network perspective
• Evaluation of the interdependence of social megatrends, such as globalization and digital transformation, and business performance

Vermittelte Schlüsselqualifikationen

Professional, methodological and social competences, international language and communication skills, analytic skills: problem structuring/ problem solving advanced comprehension of scientific and subject-specific literature (concepts, methods and case studies), theory-practice transfer.


  • Emerging markets
  • International labor mobility
  • Dynamics of social and economic transformation
  • Global social and business networks
  • Digital transformation

Radical business innovation
Threats and opportunities of disruptive technologies


  • Interactive seminars
  • Group-based and individual self-study (flipped classroom)
  • Online trainings
  • Practical exercises
  • Ted talks

The instruction language is English. Learning is achieved through natural communication, interactive lecturing, independent work on projects as well as group work and presentations.


Formale: Eingeschriebene(r) Studierende(r) am Fachbereich WiSo des RheinAhrCampus für den Master-Studiengang „Management, Leadership, Innovation“.

Inhaltliche: Keine


Prüfungsleistung in Form von Assignments (bestehend aus 4 schriftlichen gleichgewichteten Einheiten).

ArtDatum der LeistungserbringungPrüfungsanmeldung
(bitte Zeitangabe ...Min) Ende 1. HS*Ende 2. HS*individuelles Datum
Klausur: ... Min.wird vom PA festgelegt*   
Hausarbeit mit Prä
Andere (Assignments)

* Prüfungsamt Termine


Voraussetzung für die Vergabe von ECTS-Punkten ist das Bestehen der Prüfungsleistung für das Modul. Diese wird aus den einzelnen Bestandteilen des Assignments generiert, welche gleichgewichtet in die Modulbewertung eingehen. Es gibt keine Bestehensgrenzen auf Basis der einzelnen Einheiten des Assignments.

Das Modul geht mit 6 ECTS in die Gesamtzahl von 120 ECTS-Punkten ein.


Weiterführende Literaturangaben finden Sie unter Open OLAT und einer Webseite zur Veranstaltung.

letzte Änderung der Seite: March 01, 2021

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